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我们的公司 ABOUT US 乐知医疗立足于张江高科技现代医疗器械园, 依托于复旦大学医学院的科研实力,已成为妇产科专业医疗领域以研发为核心驱动力的高新技术企业。 Lochi Medical (“LOCHI”) locates in Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park, supported by the strong R&D resources of Fudan University Medical, has become a leading high-tech company with R&D as core competiveness in the gynaecology and obsterices area. 我们的研发实力 OUR R&D POWER 乐知医疗秉承自主创新与追求卓越的传统,持续不断地在用户关键应用领域进行技术研发投入。乐知医疗将最新的研发成果从实验室带到市场,转化为生产力并促进妇产科专业医疗领域的发展。 LOCHI innovate health caring, we make efforts in technical innovation in core areas and bring the new achievements from laboratory to market, which may advance the development of gynaecology and obstetrics. 公司注册有“乐知”自主品牌,同时拥有发明专利2项,实用新型5项,关键技术和成熟技术10项。 LOCHI owns the brand of “LOCHI”, more than 7 patents, and varied know-hows, our technical and products quality reaches or is beyond the advanced world standard. 我们的价值 OUR CORPORATE VISION – “VALUE THROUGH INNOVATION” 我们的价值驱使我们不懈努力。关爱生命、呵护健康、成就百年企业是我们跨越一个又一个困难的动力。我们有理想、有使命感;我们勇于创新。我们希望我们的医疗科技通过我们或者我们的合作伙伴能给每一位孕产妇更多的人性化关爱;能够帮助每一个新生儿健康开始生命的第一刻;并且帮助广大的医护人员提高职业防护意识,以及更加高效、精确地提供医疗服务。 Our Vision drives us going forward. Our sincere care in life, health and our ambition to become strong make us exceptional and unique. Innovation helps us grow. We make consistent efforts to prevent each pregnant and maternity patient from infection; help each baby being healthy from the first moment of his/her life journey; and to help doctors and nurses with strenthening the occupational risk sconsciousness and enhancing the self-protection ability of them, through our us or our partners. 我们的目标 OUR GOAL 我们的目标是为人类的健康长期努力。我们的团队和我们分享我们的目标。我们团队的战斗力来源于我们对生命真挚的热爱,对用户的真诚,以及对创新的追求。我们每一个人是一个有爱心、有责任心的个人,但我们擅长不同,我们取长补短。我们尊重个性、分享差异,我们一起进步。我们密切跟踪市场,我们注重细节,我们追求长期发展,彼此分享。 Our goal is to work for the health of human being. This aim is well shared within our team. The productivity of our team roots in our passion in life and sincerity in our customers, as well as our aspiration in innovation. Our team gathered individuals with loving hearts and responsibilities. Our team members are specialized in different areas and integrated as a whole.

  • 【招商企业】 上海乐知医疗用品有限公司  
  • 【联 系 人】 蔡立海
  • 【联系电话】 021-58990693
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  • 【手  机】 13391222257
  • 【传  真】 021-51873801
  • 【电子邮件】 1316230743@qq.com
  • 【网  址】 www.lochimed.com
  • 【联系地址】 上海张江高科技产业东区现代医疗器械园7幢乙3楼
  • 【邮  编】 201201